Oracle - Conectar Personal Oracle 8 a Power Builder 6.5


Conectar Personal Oracle 8 a Power Builder 6.5

Publicado por Luis (1 intervención) el 16/04/2001 09:23:19
Hola necesito ayuda urgente.
He tratado por todos los medios de realizar una coneccion a personal oracle desde Power Builder 6.5 . Ambos estan instalados en la misma PC corriendo Win 98. Cuando trato de crear un DB Profile en Power builder me devuelve un error que dice "Unable to load the Requested Power Soft Interfase. Please Make sure both the interfase and the client software are properly installed" Ambas instalaciones estan completas

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RE:Conectar Personal Oracle 8 a Power Builder 6.5

Publicado por Nadie (1) (51 intervenciones) el 27/04/2001 10:43:05

Problem Description:

Pre-connection requirements for connecting ORACLE7 with PowerBuilder

Solution Description:

Note to PowerBuilder Customers:

To connect to ORACLE from PowerBuilder v3.0, you must purchase and install the
PowerBuilder Interface for ORACLE (PBORA030.DLL) from Powersoft.

To connect to ORACLE from PowerBuilder v4.0, you must purchase and install the
PowerBuilder Interface for ORACLE (PBORA040.DLL) from Powersoft.

Tip: When you install the PowerBuilder ORACLE interface, the setup program
installs the interface for Version 7 of ORACLE (PBORA030.DLL). It also copies
the PBOR7030.DLL and PBOR6030.DLL to your PowerBuilder directory.

If you are running Version 6, copy PBOR6030.DLL. This replaces PBORA030.DLL
with the Version 6.0 interface.

Making a connection to your Oracle7 database assumes that you already have the
following: all of the proper Oracle client and server software, as well as
the network layer software. Powersoft's interface sits on top of the existing
software and takes advantage of the existing connectivity. If you do not have
the necessary software required to connect prior to installing PB/PM/PV, you
will not connect successfully.

Prior to connecting to Oracle7 via PowerBuilder/PowerMaker/PowerViewer:

1. Install the ORACLE database server following the instructions provided
2. Install the client SQL*Net software following the standard installation
3. Place the directory(s) that contain the ORACLE Windows API DLLs
(ORA7WIN.DLL and COREWIN.DLL) in your DOS path.
4. Determine what network protocol you are using (TCP/IP, Novell, etc.) and
whether you are using SQL*Net for DOS or SQL*Net for Windows.
5. Set the database variables in Preferences (for PowerBuilder users) or
Database Profile (for PowerMaker/PowerViewer users) to the appropriate
values for ORACLE. See your Connecting to the Database manual for Oracle.

*You must obtain the Oracle client/server and SQL*Net software from ORACLE
Corporation. If you have questions regarding the software that you need to
set up a connection from your PC to your Oracle server, call ORACLE.

**You can obtain the ORACLE Windows API from ORACLE or the Powersoft Bulletin
Board (BBS) by downloading ORA7DLL.ZIP from the MAIN BBS conference.

The software that PB/PM/PV requires to connect is:

PBOR7030.DLL(from Powersoft)
ORA7WIN.DLL(from Oracle or Powersoft's BBS)
COREWIN.DLL(from Oracle or Powersoft's BBS)

Make sure that the directories containing the above files are in your DOS
path. If they are on the server, and are 'mapped', put them in your DOS path.

Tip: Before trying to connect to ORACLE, search to determine whether there
are multiple copies of ORA7WIN.DLL. If multiple copies exist, delete or
rename all copies except the copy you downloaded from the Powersoft BBS or
obtained directly form ORACLE; there should be only one copy of ORA7WIN.DLL on
your PC.

Once you have identified your network protocol, determine (list below) which
SQL*Net network driver that you need. The driver should be loaded prior to
entering Windows. You can load SQL*Net DOS from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, brom
a file called AUTOEXEC.BAT file, or manually. If you have SQL*Net for
Windows, the driver should automatically be loaded. The common network
drivers are:

Named Pipes SQLNMP

NOTE: DOS SQL*Net versions will have .EXE extensions
SQL*Net for Windows will have .DLL extensions

After you complete the standard ORACLE client installation, there is an ORACLE
directory on your computer. In this directory, there is a file named
CONFIG.ORA (if you have SQL*Net for DOS) or ORACLE.INI (if you are using
SQL*Net for Windows), which contains your ORACLE configuration information.

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RE:Conectar Personal Oracle 8 a Power Builder 6.5

Publicado por Nadie (51 intervenciones) el 27/04/2001 10:48:48

Set the database variables in Preferences to the values shown below:

Variable Value
Profile Name Any string - this will be the name that appears in the
profile/preference window
ServerName The server connect string - See the "Connect String"
section below
LogID Your server logon ID*
LogPassword Your server logon password*
DBParm See "Setting DBParm variables" section below

*See "Logging into Oracle7 for the first time" section

Where do I need the connect string?
The most difficult part of connecting to an ORACLE database is determining the
proper connect string. The connect string specifies the network protocol, the
logical server name, and, optionally, the database name. This file is read by
the Wndows API.

You must set the ServerName variable in Database Preferences (for PowerBuilder
users) or Database Profile (for PowerMaker/PowerViewer users) into the
appropriate connect string for ORACLE. The format(s) for the connect string

@identifier.LogicalServerName (for DOS SQL*Net)
@identifier.LogicalServerName:OracleInstanceName(for SQL*Net
for windows)

Note: If you are accustomed to using another format for the connect string,
use it. Generally, you can also find the connect string in the CONFIG.ORA or

Parameter Description

Identifier The appropriate SQL*Net communications identifier:
P - Named Pipes SQLNMP
X - Novell SQLSPX
B - NetBios SQLNTB
V - Vines SQLVIN
D - DecNet

LogicalServerName The name assigned to the server
Note: the at sign @ and the colons(:) are required

OracleInstanceName: The name assigned to the oracle instance you are
logging onto.

To use DOS SQL*Net TCP/IP to connect to an ORACLE server named LION, enter the
connect string:


To use SQL*Net for Windows TCP/IP to connect to an ORACLE server named LION
under the default oracle instance named ORACLE, enter the connect string:


Logging into Oracle7 for the First Time under PowerMaker or PowerViewer.

The first time a user uses the PowerBuilder, PowerMaker or PowerViewer to
connect to an ORACLE7 database, PowerBuilder automatically creates system
tables in the database (See the Storing Extended Catalog Information section
below). To ensure that these tables have the correct owner, the first user to
connect to an ORACLE database must set the Preference variables LogID and
LogPassword as shown below:

Set this variable to:

LogID System
LogPassword Manager

Setting DBParm Variables
You can set variables in DBParm to:
*Set the blocking factor
*Disable binding of input variables
*Specify formats for Date, DateTime, and Time data
*Specify mixed case (make ORACLE case sensitive)

For details, see the PB/PM/PV manual on Connecting to your database for

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RE:Conectar Personal Oracle 8 a Power Builder 6.5

Publicado por Nadie (51 intervenciones) el 27/04/2001 10:50:41
Part nº 3

Storing extended catalog information
When you paint a table or view in the Database painter, you can define
extended table or column (catalog) information. This information is used in
DataWindow controls when the table or view is referenced in the SELECT
statement in the DataWindow definition.

PowerBuilder saves five types of extended catalog information. Each type of
information is saved in its own system table within the database in which the
table or view resides. PowerBuilder creates these tables automatically the
first time the system user uses PowerBuilder to connect to the database.

Granting privileges

You can use an ID with DBA authority to create the system tables outside the
PowerBuilder environment. However, to grant privileges to Public, you must
also have the authority to grant privileges. The system table always have the
prefix SYSTEM.

Information System Used for
Table level SYSTEM.PBCATTBL Default fonts for columns with
a table or view.
Column level SYSTEM.PBCATCOL Formats, validation rules,
headers, labels, case, and
justification for specific columns.
Display format SYSTEM.PBCATVLD Column validation (input)
information. You define all the validation
Edit style SYSTEM.PBCATEDT Column edit style information.
You can define the edit styles.

Closing the connection
PowerBuilder opens the database connection the first time you need to connect
to the database. The setting of the Database Preference variable
StayConnected controls when PowerBuilder closes the connection. If
StayConnected is 1 (the default), PowerBuilder does not close the connection
until you exit PowerBuilder. If StayConnected is 0, PowerBuilder opens the
connection each time you need it and closes it when you close the painter or
the compile is complete.

Solution Checklist for ORACLE
1. The PowerBuilder, PowerMaker or PowerViewer directory is in your DOS
2. The directory that contains the ORACLE Windows API (ORA7WIN.DLL and
COREWIN.DLL) is in your DOS Path, even if they are in network
directories that are mapped.
3. You have an environment variable in your AUTOEXEC.BAT that reads:


4. The directory containing the ORACLE client software is in your DOS
path. (This directory is typically something like C:\ORACLE\BIN)
5. The SQL*Net driver is running before Windows is started.
6. The database variables in PowerBuilder Preferences or Database Profile
in PowerMaker/PowerViewer are set correctly.
7. The ServerName variable in Database Preferences is set to the
appropriate connect string for ORACLE.

If the connect string is correct and the network drivers are current and
compatible with ORACLE Windows API, the connection should work.

If you still cannot connect to ORACLE:

1. Run the ORACLE Test Connect program. This is WINSAM.EXE for DOS and
NETTEST.EXE for SQL*NET for Windows. (If you do not have either of
these 2 files, you can obtain them from ORACLE. WINSAM.EXE Can be
found on the Powersoft BBS as well.)
Once you have one of these programs, run it from Windows.
2. Select Connect.
3. Enter Scott as your user ID and TIGER as your password. Scott and
Tiger are the default user ID and password automatically installed by

You may need to enter a connect string, but try connecting without it first.
If you connect successfully, the connect string in the Local parameter of your
CONFIG.ORA or ORACLE Support and ask if there is a more recent version of the
ORACLE Windows API and the SQL*Net Driver. (Since ORACLE does not notify
Powersoft when they update the ORA6WIN.DLL, you need to call ORACLE for this
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RE:Conectar Personal Oracle 8 a Power Builder 6.5

Publicado por Nadie (51 intervenciones) el 27/04/2001 10:51:38
Part nº 4

The following problems/resolutions come from Technical Support's Database of
Customer Calls. In each case, review the above portions of this document and
then call tech support.

Oracle Error Messages(ORA-XXXXX)

Error Message: ORA-00942 Table or view does not exist
Description: Customer had PBOR6060 (Oracle V6 interface) or wrong version
of SQL*NET driver.
Resolution: Get PBOR7030 (Oracle V7 interface from Powersoft) or get
correct version of SQL*NET.

Error Message: ORA-01017 Invalid Username/Password. Logon Denied
Description: Invalid User ID or Password to Oracle server.
Resolution: Check ID and Password. Try using SYSTEM/MANAGER or
SCOTT/TIGER to test connection.

Error Message: ORA-01031 Insufficient Privileges
Description: Customer cannot access the PB/PM/PV system tables PBCATXXX
Resolution: Delete existing PBCATXXX tables (or grant all to public for
the tables) and logon as SYSTEM/MANAGER the first time
connecting to Oracle via PB/PM/PV.

Error Messages: ORA-3112 Host String Syntax Error
Description: Servername connect string is incorrect or there's not enough
conventional memory.
Resolution: Check for correct connect string or try running
NETINIT.EXE/NETINI7.EXE to free up memory

Error Messages: ORA-03121 No interface driver connected - function not
Description: The client side Oracle software directory is not in DOS path
Resolution: Correct path in AUTOEXEC.BAT to include oracle directory.
Description: When trying to connect via SQL*Net version 2.x, the "tens:"
net prefix is missing form the connect string.
Resolution: Use the "tns:" prefix in the connect string(NOTE: Do not use
this string if you are connecting via version 1.x)

Error Message: ORA-06105 (Remote) Host Unavailable
Description: Improper servername connect string
Resolution: Edit Database Profile or PB.INI/PM.INI/PV.INI and correct
Servername connect string.

Error Message: ORA-06110 Net TCP Message send failure
Resolution: Try changing Oracle optimization from 'statistical' to

Error Message: ORA-06114 Database Lookup Failed
Description: Connect string is in upper case.
Resolution: Make connect string lower case or append database name to
connect string.

Error Message: ORA-06261
Description: Connecting from a WIN/OS2 via SQL*VDM via SQL*Net V2.x.
Resolution: Make sure that the path statement points to the OS2 home.

More ORA-XXXX Error Messages

Refer to your Oracle Documentation for more details.

Number Description

200-220 Control file management errors
250-299 Archival and media recovery errors
300-379 Redo log file errors
436-437 Oracle licensing errors
440-459 Background process startup errors
470-479 Background process fatal errors
500-599 Version 5 DecNet driver errors
700-709 Row cache errors
900-999 Parse errors
1000-1099 Program interface errors
1100-1199 Database file errors
1400-1499 SQL execution errors
1500-1699 Execution errors
1700-1799 Parse errors(continued)
2000-2099 Parse errors(continued)
2100-2139 Precompiler runtime errors
2140-2499 Parse errors(continued)
2500-2699 CT operating system errors
2700-2899 UNIX two-task errors
3000-3099 Currently not-implemented feature's errors
3100-3199 tow-task interface errors
3500-3699 Macintosh O?S errors
3700-3999 AOS/VS O/S errors
4000-4099 Invalid parameter errors
4100-4499 MVS O/S errors
4500-4899 CMS O/S errors
5000-5899 OEM O/S ERRORS
5900-5999 Wang O/S errors
6000-6499 SQL*Net errors
6500-6599 PL/SQL errors
6600-6999 SQL*Net errors(continued)
7000-7099 SQL*Connect/DB2 errors
7100-7199 SQL*Connect/IMS errors
7200-7499 Unix Operating system errors
7500-7999 VAX/VMS O/S errors
8000-8199 Data Layer errors

***If you see error messages which increment themselves by 10,000, it is
because Oracle adds 10,000 to the last of the recursive error messages rather
than print out the same message a number of times. A lone message>999 should
have the 10,000 digit stripped.

***Two parameters in config.ora may define the location of optional trace
files which may help your customer discern the cause of their problem. These
parameters are (at version 6), BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST and USER_DUMP_DEST.

Other Error Messages
Error Message: Cannot Find NWNETAPI.DLL (or NWIPXSPX.DLL)
Description: These files are not located on the customer's PC, or they are
not in the DOS path.
Resolution: Search for files on PC. If they are not there, call NOVELL or
refer to Netware install disks. If they are there, make sure
directory is in DOS path.

Error Message: Invalid copy of PBOR730.DLL
Description: You are missing PBOR7M30.DLL (PB Customers) or PBOR030.DLL
(PM/PV Customers).
Resolution: Check your drive for that file or reinstall the Oracle7
interface driver and make sure it's directory is in the path.

Error Message: Unable to load specified interface for driver
Description: You are missing PBOR7M30.DLL (PB Customers) or PBOR030.DLL
(PM/PV Customers).
Resolution: Check your driver for that file or reinstall the Oracle7
interface driver and make sure it's directory is in the path.

Error Message: Cannot find ORA7WIN.DLL
Resolution: Check your drive for the file or reinstall the Oracle7
interface driver and make sure it's directory is in the path.

SQL STATE Error Messages
Error Message: SQL STATE IM003
Description: Installation was probably on a lan and by default, the first
time PM/PV is run, it tries to connect to the Demo Watcom
Database. It cannot find the WSQLODB.DLL.
Resolution: Check the location of WSQLODBC.DLL and make sure that both the
ODBC.INI and ODBCINST.INI (in the windows dir) point to the
correct location of that file.

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RE:Conectar Personal Oracle 8 a Power Builder 6.5

Publicado por ever  (1 intervención) el 01/06/2008 15:39:41
sobre comotrabajar com power builder con oracle para reporte par formularioconsulta o reporte
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