Oracle - Help with a data block and their items.


Help with a data block and their items.

Publicado por kevin (3 intervenciones) el 12/02/2007 19:39:14

I need to enable or disable current record property and item property
as well,
set_item_property(item_id,enabled,propert_false) then it disable
entire column value which I don't want.

For instance an employee has taken current month salary then it salary
column should be disabled while the other employees' salary column
should remain enabled to feed the amount.


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RE:Help with a data block and their items.

Publicado por Hector (127 intervenciones) el 15/02/2007 03:31:49

Try writing your enable/disable code in the pre-record and when-new-record-instance triggers. This shouldbe the solution you're searching for.
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RE:Help with a data block and their items.

Publicado por kevin (3 intervenciones) el 04/10/2007 23:38:10
Yes it works, sorry for the lateness.... but i have been working in other stuff. see ya!
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