PHP - Ayuda con gravity Form


Ayuda con gravity Form

Publicado por Jesus (2 intervenciones) el 04/12/2018 20:13:21

Estoy usando en una web el plugins Gravity Form y su addons llamado Repeat. para que mi cliente repita sus pedido - Solicita el pedido: Ver en

Pero al llegar el formulario al correo me imprime la lista en forma vertical y quiero que me la imprima en horizontal.

El codigo del plugins REPEAT donde esta toda esa configuracion es:

class GF_Field_Repeater extends GF_Field {
public $type = 'repeater';

public static function init_admin() {
$admin_page = rgget('page');

if ($admin_page == 'gf_edit_forms' && !empty($_GET['id'])) {
add_action('gform_field_standard_settings' , array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_standard_settings'), 10, 2);
add_action('gform_field_appearance_settings' , array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_appearance_settings'), 10, 2);
add_action('gform_editor_js_set_default_values', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_set_defaults'));
add_action('gform_editor_js', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_editor'));
add_filter('gform_tooltips', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_tooltips'));

if ($admin_page == 'gf_entries') {
add_filter('gform_form_post_get_meta', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_hide_children'));

public static function init_frontend() {
add_action('gform_form_args', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_disable_ajax'));
add_action('gform_enqueue_scripts', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_enqueue_scripts'), 10, 2);
add_filter('gform_pre_render', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_unhide_children_validation'));
add_filter('gform_pre_validation', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_bypass_children_validation'));

public static function gform_enqueue_scripts($form, $is_ajax) {
if (!empty($form)) {
if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form) !== false) {
wp_enqueue_script('gforms_repeater_postcapture_js', plugins_url('js/jquery.postcapture.min.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), '0.0.1');
wp_enqueue_script('gforms_repeater_js', plugins_url('js/gf-repeater.min.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), GF_REPEATER_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_style('gforms_repeater_css', plugins_url('css/gf-repeater.css', __FILE__), array(), GF_REPEATER_VERSION);

public function get_form_editor_field_title() {
return 'Repeater';

public function get_form_editor_field_settings() {
return array(

public static function gform_set_defaults() {
echo "
case \"repeater\" :
field.label = \"Repeater\";

public static function gform_standard_settings($position, $form_id) {
if ($position == 1600) {
echo "<li class=\"repeater_settings field_setting\">
<label for=\"field_repeater_start\">Start ";


echo " </label>
<input type=\"number\" id=\"field_repeater_start\" min=\"1\" value=\"1\" onchange=\"SetFieldProperty('start', this.value);\">

echo "<li class=\"repeater_settings field_setting\">
<label for=\"field_repeater_min\">Min ";


echo " </label>
<input type=\"number\" id=\"field_repeater_min\" min=\"1\" value=\"1\" onchange=\"SetFieldProperty('min', this.value);\">

echo "<li class=\"repeater_settings field_setting\">
<label for=\"field_repeater_max\">Max ";


echo " </label>
<input type=\"number\" id=\"field_repeater_max\" min=\"1\" onchange=\"SetFieldProperty('max', this.value);\">

public static function gform_appearance_settings($position, $form_id) {
if ($position == 400) {
echo "<li class=\"repeater_settings field_setting\">
<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"field_repeater_hideLabel\" onchange=\"SetFieldProperty('hideLabel', this.checked);\">
<label for=\"field_repeater_hideLabel\" class=\"inline\">Hide Label & Description ";


echo " </label>

public static function gform_editor() {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
fieldSettings['repeater'] += ', .repeater_settings';
jQuery(document).bind('gform_load_field_settings', function(event, field, form){
jQuery('#field_repeater_hideLabel').prop('checked', field['hideLabel']);

public static function gform_tooltips($tooltips) {
$tooltips['form_field_repeater_start'] = "The number of times the repeater will be repeated when the form is rendered. Leaving this field blank or setting it to a number higher than the maximum number is the same as setting it to 1.";
$tooltips['form_field_repeater_min'] = "The minimum number of times the repeater is allowed to be repeated. Leaving this field blank or setting it to a number higher than the maximum field is the same as setting it to 1.";
$tooltips['form_field_repeater_max'] = "The maximum number of times the repeater is allowed to be repeated. Leaving this field blank or setting it to a number lower than the minimum field is the same as setting it to unlimited.";
$tooltips['form_field_repeater_hideLabel'] = "If this is checked, the repeater label and description will not be shown to users on the form.";
return $tooltips;

function validate($value, $form) {
$repeater_required = $this->repeaterRequiredChildren;

if (!empty($repeater_required)) {
$dataArray = json_decode($value, true);

foreach ($form['fields'] as $key=>$value) {
$fieldKeys[$value['id']] = $key;

if (is_array($value['inputs'])) {
foreach ($value['inputs'] as $inputKey=>$inputValue) {
$inputKeys[$value['id']][$inputValue['id']] = $inputKey;

if ($dataArray['repeatCount'] < $this->min) {
$this->failed_validation = true;
$this->validation_message = "A minimum number of ".$this->min." is required.";

if ($this->max && $dataArray['repeatCount'] > $this->max) {
$this->failed_validation = true;
$this->validation_message = "A maximum number of ".$this->max." is allowed.";

for ($i = 1; $i < $dataArray['repeatCount'] + 1; $i++) {
foreach ($dataArray['children'] as $field_id=>$field) {
$inputNames = $field['inputs'];
$repeatSkips = $field['conditionalLogic']['skip'];

if (!is_array($inputNames)) { continue; }

if (is_array($repeatSkips)) {
if (in_array($i, $repeatSkips) || in_array('all', $repeatSkips)) { continue; }

foreach ($inputNames as $inputName) {
if (is_array($inputName)) { $inputName = reset($inputName); }

if (substr($inputName, -2) == '[]') {
$getInputName = substr($inputName, 0, strlen($inputName) - 2).'-'.$dataArray['repeaterId'].'-'.$i;
} else {
$getInputName = $inputName.'-'.$dataArray['repeaterId'].'-'.$i;

$getInputName = str_replace('.', '_', strval($getInputName));
$getInputData = rgpost($getInputName);
$getInputIdNum = preg_split("/(_|-)/", $getInputName);

if (in_array($getInputIdNum[1], $repeater_required)) {
$fieldKey = $fieldKeys[$getInputIdNum[1]];
$fieldType = $form['fields'][$fieldKey]['type'];
$failedValidation = false;

switch($fieldType) {
case 'name':
$requiredIDs = array(3, 6);
if (in_array($getInputIdNum[2], $requiredIDs) && empty($getInputData)) { $failedValidation = true; }
case 'address':
$skipIDs = array(2);
if (!in_array($getInputIdNum[2], $skipIDs) && empty($getInputData)) { $failedValidation = true; }
if (empty($getInputData)) { $failedValidation = true; }

if ($failedValidation) {
$this->failed_validation = true;
if ($this->errorMessage) { $this->validation_message = $this->errorMessage; } else { $this->validation_message = "A required field was left blank."; }

public function get_field_content($value, $force_frontend_label, $form) {
if (is_admin()) {
$admin_buttons = $this->get_admin_buttons();
$field_content = "{$admin_buttons}
<div class=\"gf-pagebreak-first gf-pagebreak-container gf-repeater gf-repeater-start\">
<div class=\"gf-pagebreak-text-before\">begin repeater</div>
<div class=\"gf-pagebreak-text-main\"><span>REPEATER</span></div>
<div class=\"gf-pagebreak-text-after\">top of repeater</div>
} else {
$field_label = $this->get_field_label($force_frontend_label, $value);
$description = $this->get_description($this->description, 'gsection_description gf_repeater_description');
$hide_label = $this->hideLabel;
$validation_message = ( $this->failed_validation && ! empty( $this->validation_message ) ) ? sprintf( "<div class='gfield_description validation_message'>%s</div>", $this->validation_message ) : '';
if (!empty($field_label)) { $field_label = "<h2 class='gf_repeater_title'>{$field_label}</h2>"; } else { $field_label = ''; }
if ($hide_label) { $field_label = ''; $description = ''; }
$field_content = "<div class=\"ginput_container ginput_container_repeater\">{$field_label}{FIELD}</div>{$description}{$validation_message}";
return $field_content;

public function get_field_input($form, $value = '', $entry = null) {
if (is_admin()) {
return '';
} else {
$form_id = $form['id'];
$is_entry_detail = $this->is_entry_detail();
$is_form_editor = $this->is_form_editor();
$id = (int) $this->id;
$field_id = $is_entry_detail || $is_form_editor || $form_id == 0 ? "input_$id" : 'input_' . $form_id . "_$id";
$tabindex = $this->get_tabindex();
$repeater_parem = $this->inputName;
$repeater_start = $this->start;
$repeater_min = $this->min;
$repeater_max = $this->max;
$repeater_required = $this->repeaterRequiredChildren;
$repeater_children = $this->repeaterChildren;

if (!empty($repeater_parem)) {
$repeater_parem_value = GFFormsModel::get_parameter_value($repeater_parem, $value, $this);
if (!empty($repeater_parem_value)) { $repeater_start = $repeater_parem_value; }

if (!empty($repeater_children)) {
$repeater_children_info = array();
$repeater_parems = GF_Field_Repeater::get_children_parem_values($form, $repeater_children);

foreach($repeater_children as $repeater_child) {
$repeater_children_info[$repeater_child] = array();
$repeater_child_field_index = GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form, 'id', $repeater_child);

if (!empty($repeater_required)) {
if (in_array($repeater_child, $repeater_required)) {
$repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['required'] = true;

if (!empty($repeater_parems)) {
if (array_key_exists($repeater_child, $repeater_parems)) {
$repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['prePopulate'] = $repeater_parems[$repeater_child];

if ($repeater_child_field_index !== false) {
if ($form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['inputMask']) {
$repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['inputMask'] = $form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['inputMaskValue'];
} elseif ($form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['type'] == 'phone' && $form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['phoneFormat'] = 'standard') {
$repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['inputMask'] = "(999) 999-9999";

if ($form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['conditionalLogic']) {
$repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['conditionalLogic'] = $form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['conditionalLogic'];

$repeater_children = $repeater_children_info;

if (empty($value)) {
$value['formId'] = $form_id;
if (!empty($repeater_start)) { $value['start'] = $repeater_start; }
if (!empty($repeater_min)) { $value['min'] = $repeater_min; }
if (!empty($repeater_max)) { $value['max'] = $repeater_max; }
if (!empty($repeater_children)) { $value['children'] = $repeater_children; }

$value = json_encode($value);

return sprintf("<input name='input_%d' id='%s' type='hidden' class='gform_repeater' value='%s' %s />", $id, $field_id, $value, $tabindex);

public function get_value_save_entry($value, $form, $input_name, $lead_id, $lead) {
$dataArray = json_decode($value, true);
$value = Array();

for ($i = 1; $i < $dataArray['repeatCount'] + 1; $i++) {
foreach ($dataArray['children'] as $field_id=>$field) {
$inputData = Array();

if (array_key_exists('inputs', $field)) {
$inputNames = $field['inputs'];
$repeatSkips = $field['conditionalLogic']['skip'];

if (is_array($repeatSkips)) {
if (in_array($i, $repeatSkips) || in_array('all', $repeatSkips)) { continue; }

if (is_array($inputNames)) {
foreach ($inputNames as $inputName) {
if (substr($inputName, -2) == '[]') {
$getInputName = substr($inputName, 0, strlen($inputName) - 2).'-'.$dataArray['repeaterId'].'-'.$i;
} else {
$getInputName = $inputName.'-'.$dataArray['repeaterId'].'-'.$i;

$getInputData = rgpost(str_replace('.', '_', strval($getInputName)));

if (!empty($getInputData)) {
if (is_array($getInputData)) {
foreach ($getInputData as $theInputData) {
$inputData[] = $theInputData;
} else {
$inputData[] = $getInputData;
} else {
if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_type($form, $field_id) == 'section') { $inputData = '[gfRepeater-section]'; }

$childValue[$field_id] = $inputData;
$value[$i] = $childValue;

return maybe_serialize($value);

public function get_value_entry_list($value, $entry, $field_id, $columns, $form) {
if (empty($value)) {
return '';
} else {
$dataArray = GFFormsModel::unserialize($value);
$arrayCount = count($dataArray);
if ($arrayCount > 1) { $returnText = $arrayCount.' entries'; } else { $returnText = $arrayCount.' entry'; }
return $returnText;

public function get_value_entry_detail($value, $currency = '', $use_text = false, $format = 'html', $media = 'screen') {
if (empty($value)) {
return '';
} else {
$dataArray = GFFormsModel::unserialize($value);
$arrayCount = count($dataArray);
$output = "\n";
$count = 0;
$repeatCount = 0;
$display_empty_fields = rgget('gf_display_empty_fields', $_COOKIE);
$form_id = $this->formId;
$get_form = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta_by_id($form_id);
$form = $get_form[0];

foreach ($dataArray as $key=>$value) {
$tableContents = '';

if (!empty($value) && !is_array($value)) {
$save_value = $value;
$value[0] = $save_value;

foreach ($value as $childKey=>$childValue) {
$childValueOutput = '';

if (empty($display_empty_fields) && count($childValue) == 0) { continue; }

if (is_numeric($childKey)) {
$field_index = GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form, 'id', $childKey);
if ($field_index === false) { continue; }
$entry_title = $form['fields'][$field_index]['label'];
} else {
$entry_title = $childKey;

$entry_title = str_replace('[gfRepeater-count]', $repeatCount, $entry_title);

if ($format == 'html') {
if ($childValue == '[gfRepeater-section]') {
if ($media == 'email') {
$tableStyling = ' style="font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;background-color:#eee;border-bottom:1px solid #dfdfdf;padding:7px 7px"';
} else {
$tableStyling = ' class="entry-view-section-break"';
} else {
if ($media == 'email') {
$tableStyling = ' style="background-color:#EAF2FA;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold"';
} else {
$tableStyling = ' class="entry-view-field-name"';

$tableContents .= "<tr>\n<td colspan=\"2\"".$tableStyling.">".$entry_title."</td>\n</tr>\n";
} else {
$tableContents .= $entry_title.": ";

if (is_array($childValue)) {
if (count($childValue) == 1) {
$childValueOutput = $childValue[0];
} elseif (count($childValue) > 1) {
if ($format == 'html') {
if ($media == 'email') {
$childValueOutput = "<ul style=\"list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0; overflow: hidden;\">\n"

} else {
$childValueOutput = "<ul>\n";

foreach ($childValue as $childValueData) {
if ($format == 'html') {
$childValueOutput .= "<li>".$childValueData."</li>";
} else {
$childValueOutput .= $childValueData."\n";

if ($format == 'html') { $childValueOutput .= "</ul>\n"; }

if ($media == 'email') { $tableStyling = ''; } else { $tableStyling = ' class=\"entry-view-field-value\"'; }

if ($format == 'html') {
$tableContents .= "<tr>\n<td colspan=\"2\"".$tableStyling.">".$childValueOutput."</td>\n</tr>\n";
} else {
$tableContents .= $childValueOutput."\n";

if (!empty($tableContents)) {
if ($format == 'html') {
if ($media == 'email') { $tableStyling = ' width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"'; } else { $tableStyling = ' class="widefat fixed entry-detail-view"'; }
$output .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\"".$tableStyling.">\n";
$output .= $tableContents;
$output .= "</table>\n";
} else {
$output .= $tableContents."\n";

if ($count !== 0) {
if ($format == 'text') { $output = rtrim($output); }
return $output;
} else { return ''; }

public function get_value_merge_tag($value, $input_id, $entry, $form, $modifier, $raw_value, $url_encode, $esc_html, $format, $nl2br) {
$output = GF_Field_Repeater::get_value_entry_detail($raw_value, '', false, $format, 'email');
$output = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "\n", $output);
return trim($output);

public function get_value_export($entry, $input_id = '', $use_text = false, $is_csv = false) {
if (empty($input_id)) { $input_id = $this->id; }
$output = rgar($entry, $input_id);
$output = GF_Field_Repeater::get_value_entry_detail($output, '', false, 'text', 'email');
$output = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", ", ", trim($output));
return $output;

public static function gform_hide_children($form) {
$form_id = $form['id'];
$repeaterChildren = Array();
$grid_modified = false;
$grid_meta = GFFormsModel::get_grid_column_meta($form_id);

foreach($form['fields'] as $key=>$field) {
if ($field->type == 'repeater') {
if (is_array($field->repeaterChildren)) { $repeaterChildren = array_merge($repeaterChildren, $field->repeaterChildren); }
} elseif ($field->type == 'repeater-end') { array_push($repeaterChildren, $field->id); }

if (!empty($repeaterChildren)) {
if (in_array($field->id, $repeaterChildren)) {

if (is_array($grid_meta)) {
$grid_pos = array_search($field->id, $grid_meta);
if ($grid_pos) {
$grid_modified = true;

if ($grid_modified) { GFFormsModel::update_grid_column_meta($form_id, $grid_meta); }

$form['fields'] = array_values($form['fields']);

return $form;

public static function gform_disable_ajax($args) {
$get_form = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta_by_id($args['form_id']);
$form = reset($get_form);

if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form) !== false) {
$args['ajax'] = false;

return $args;

public static function gform_bypass_children_validation($form) {
if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form) === false) { return $form; }

$repeaterChildren = Array();

foreach($form['fields'] as $key=>$field) {
if ($field->type == 'repeater') {
if (is_array($field->repeaterChildren)) { $repeaterChildren = array_merge($repeaterChildren, $field->repeaterChildren); }

if (!empty($repeaterChildren)) {
if (in_array($field->id, $repeaterChildren) && !$field->adminOnly) {
$form['fields'][$key]['adminOnly'] = true;
$form['fields'][$key]['repeaterChildValidationHidden'] = true;

return $form;

public static function gform_unhide_children_validation($form) {
if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form) === false) { return $form; }

foreach($form['fields'] as $key=>$field) {
if ($field->repeaterChildValidationHidden) {
$form['fields'][$key]['adminOnly'] = false;
$form['fields'][$key]['repeaterChildValidationHidden'] = false;

return $form;

public static function get_field_index($form, $key = 'type', $value = 'repeater') {
if (is_array($form)) {
if (!array_key_exists('fields', $form)) { return false; }
} else { return false; }

foreach ($form['fields'] as $field_key=>$field_value) {
if (is_object($field_value)) {
if (property_exists($field_value, $key)) {
if ($field_value[$key] == $value) { return $field_key; }

return false;

public static function get_field_type($form, $id) {
$field_index = GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form, 'id', $id);
if ($field_index !== false) { return $form['fields'][$field_index]['type']; }
return false;

public static function get_children_parems($form, $children_ids) {
foreach($form['fields'] as $key=>$value) {
if (in_array($value['id'], $children_ids)) {
if ($value['inputName']) {
$parems[$value['id']] = $value['inputName'];
} elseif ($value['inputs']) {
foreach($value['inputs'] as $key=>$value) {
if ($value['name']) { $parems[$value['id']] = $value['name']; }
if (!empty($parems)) { return $parems; } else { return false; }

public static function get_children_parem_values($form, $children_ids) {
global $wp_filter;
$children_parems = GF_Field_Repeater::get_children_parems($form, $children_ids);

if (empty($children_parems)) { return false; }

// Check the URL first
foreach($_GET as $url_key=>$url_value) {
$key = array_search($url_key, $children_parems);
if ($key !== false) {
$parems[$key][0] = $url_value;
} else {
$split_key = preg_split('/\D+\K/', $url_key);
$key = array_search($split_key[0], $children_parems);
if ($key !== false) { $parems[$key][$split_key[1]] = $url_value; }

// Then check the filters
foreach($wp_filter as $key=>$value) {
$split_key = preg_split('/^gform_field_value_+\K/', $key);
if (!empty($split_key[1])) {
$key1 = array_search($split_key[1], $children_parems);
if ($key1 !== false) {
$parems[$key1][0] = apply_filters($key, '');
} else {
$split_key2 = preg_split('/\D+\K/', $split_key[1]);
$key2 = array_search($split_key2[0], $children_parems);
if ($key2 !== false) { $parems[$key2][$split_key2[1]] = apply_filters($key, ''); }
if (!empty($parems)) { return $parems; } else { return false; }
GF_Fields::register(new GF_Field_Repeater());
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Imágen de perfil de Oscar
Val: 108
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Ayuda con gravity Form

Publicado por Oscar (26 intervenciones) el 04/12/2018 23:48:06
No hay nada mejor que hacer las cosas sin plugins o addons ya que tardas mas en reconocer donde esta el error o donde se requiere hacer la modificación esta algo pesado andar analizando todo el código y encontrarle se te puede apoyar en partes muy puntuales como por ejemplo miren aquí establezco que sea vertical ahora que instrucción le puedo poner para que sea horizontal intenta desglosar la información para poderte apoyar
casi no tienes comentarios entre sesiones
Valora esta respuesta
Me gusta: Está respuesta es útil y esta claraNo me gusta: Está respuesta no esta clara o no es útil