he conversion with value varchar ´6000000001" overflowed and int value,
Publicado por Jose Luis (3 intervenciones) el 17/01/2018 17:32:10
Hello, I would like to know if someone can assist me here I have a view from a table that was working until we have added a new value that probably is longer than the value vbeln is set in the table as a char(10)
The View is
When reaching the new value (160000000001' on vbeln and running the view I get the error the conversion with value varchar ´6000000001' overflowed and int value,
Any ideas how to fix this? The table shows the values correctly but not this view
The View is
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT vkorg, vtweg, vbeln, spart, posnr, bstdk, auart, bezei, zterm, zterm_desc, repr, nrepr, waerk, pltyp, solin, nsoli, resppag, nresppag, destmerc,
ndestmerc, cod_soli, stras, ort01, smtp_addr, telf1, grcli_soli, descr_gr_cli, kvgr3, nif_cif, matnr, maktx, ptyv, vtext, precio_uni, kwmeng, kzwi1, dto, netwr, abgru,
FROM dbo.flash
WHERE (abgru = '') AND (vbeln NOT IN (70003158, 70003157, 10014318)) AND (auart IN
(SELECT auart
FROM dbo.filtro_auart))
When reaching the new value (160000000001' on vbeln and running the view I get the error the conversion with value varchar ´6000000001' overflowed and int value,
Any ideas how to fix this? The table shows the values correctly but not this view
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