Visual Basic - Graficos en Visual 6.0

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Graficos en Visual 6.0

Publicado por Gregorio (2 intervenciones) el 21/11/2001 04:57:56
Tengo este código pero como puedo representar el 75% y el 25% Gracias.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim PI, circStart, circEnd, gPercent, jPercent, nX, nY, rad
nX = Picture1.ScaleWidth \ 2
nY = Picture1.ScaleHeight \ 2

rad = 1000
gPercent = 75
jPercent = 25

PI = 22 / 7
circStart = (gPercent * PI) / 180
circEnd = (jPercent * PI) / 180
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
Picture1.FillStyle = 0
Picture1.FillColor = vbBlue
'The For - Next is not nested for clarity
For i = 1 To 200
Picture1.Circle (nX, nY), rad, vbpink, -circStart, -circEnd, -1
nX = nX + 1
nY = nY + 1
Next i

Picture1.FillColor = &HFF00FF
For j = 1 To 200
'Adjusting the nX and nY moves the wedge
Picture1.Circle (nX + 200, nY - 500), rad, &H800080, -circEnd, -circStart, -1
nX = nX + 1
nY = nY + 1
Next j

End Sub

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