TEMAS de Lisp

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internetQué es Lisp


Publicado el 20 de Agosto del 2009 por Administrador
4.919 visualizaciones desde el 20 de Agosto del 2009
Vamos a ver un tipo de lenguaje funcional que es muy útil en el campo de la Inteligencia Artificial: Lisp.
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.pdfGuía referencia rápida para Maxima


Publicado el 20 de Mayo del 2005 por Administrador
6.175 visualizaciones desde el 20 de Mayo del 2005
Maxima es un potente y completo sistema de algebra computacional, implementado por William F. Schelter usando Common Lisp como lenguaje de programación.
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.htmlLisp as an Alternative to Java


Publicado el 21 de Febrero del 2002 por Administrador
7.417 visualizaciones desde el 21 de Febrero del 2002
In a recent study, Prechelt compared the relative performance of Java and C++ in terms of execution time and memory utilization. Unlike many benchmark studies, Prechelt compared multiple implementations of the same task by multiple programmers in order to control for the effects of differences in programmer skill. Prechelt concluded that, "as of JDK 1.2, Java programs are typically much slower than programs written in C or C++. They also consume much more memory." We have repeated Precheltís study using Lisp as the implementation language. Our results show that Lisp's performance is comparable to or better than C++ in terms of execution speed, with significantly lower variability which translates into reduced project risk. Furthermore, development time is significantly lower and less variable than either C++ or Java. Memory consumption is comparable to Java. Lisp thus presents a viable alternative to Java for dynamic applications where performance is important.