Informar del error en el cursos: The Django Book

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.htmlThe Django Book


Publicado el 17 de Marzo del 2015 por Administrador
2.164 visualizaciones desde el 17 de Marzo del 2015
Documentación correspondiente al libro de Django versión 2.0
About this book
Chapter 1: Introduction to Django
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Chapter 3: Views and URLconfs
Chapter 4: Templates
Chapter 5: Models
Chapter 6: The Django Admin Site
Chapter 7: Forms
Chapter 8: Advanced Views and URLconfs
Chapter 9: Advanced Templates
Chapter 10: Advanced Models
Chapter 11: Generic Views
Chapter 12: Deploying Django
Chapter 13: Generating Non-HTML Content
Chapter 14: Sessions, Users, and Registration
Chapter 15: Caching
Chapter 16: django.contrib
Chapter 17: Middleware
Chapter 18: Integrating with Legacy Databases and Applications
Chapter 19: Internationalization
Chapter 20: Security
Appendix A: Model Definition Reference
Appendix B: Database API Reference
Appendix C: Generic View Reference
Appendix D: Settings
Appendix E: Built-in Template Tags and Filters
Appendix F: The django-admin Utility
Appendix G: Request and Response Objects
License & Copyright
Informar del error en el cursos

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