PHP - Missing Plugin - Ayuda Cake


Missing Plugin - Ayuda Cake

Publicado por Rodrigo (2 intervenciones) el 31/08/2018 06:44:24
Missing Plugin
Error: The application is trying to load a file from the DebugKit plugin

Error: Make sure your plugin DebugKit is in the app\Plugin directory and was loaded


Loading all plugins: If you wish to load all plugins at once, use the following line in your app\Config\bootstrap.php file

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\View\Errors\missing_plugin.ctp

Stack Trace
APP\Config\bootstrap.php line 74 → CakePlugin::load(string)
CORE\Cake\Core\Configure.php line 92 → include(string)
CORE\Cake\bootstrap.php line 175 → Configure::bootstrap(boolean)
APP\webroot\index.php line 90 → include(string)

Ese es mi error estoy instalando un sistema que contiene CAKE Php, debo instalar Cake???, soy novato con este framework.

por favor si pueden ayudarme y guiarme con esto.. gracias.

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Missing Plugin - Ayuda Cake

Publicado por Rodrigo Morales (2 intervenciones) el 31/08/2018 10:07:07
ACTUALIZACION DE ESTADO ---------------------------------
Missing Plugin
Error: The application is trying to load a file from the Bs plugin

Error: Make sure your plugin Bs is in the app\Plugin directory and was loaded


Loading all plugins: If you wish to load all plugins at once, use the following line in your app\Config\bootstrap.php file



Instale app/plugin/debug_kit y me salio este error ahora.

Espero su ayuda! gracias.
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