Excel XP User Guide
Publicado el 9 de Mayo del 2012 por Administrador
7.379 visualizaciones desde el 9 de Mayo del 2012
Guía práctica de Excel dividida en 5 objetivos y pensada para ser realizada en 2 horas.
Objective 1 Understand the basic components of an Excel spreadsheet
Task 1.1 Define the purpose and uses of a spreadsheet
Task 1.2 Define a column, row, and cell
Task 1.3 Navigate within a spreadsheet using directional keys and the name box
Task 1.4 Work with multiple worksheets
Task 1.5 Selecting Cells
Objective 2 Enter and modify data in a cell
Task 2.1 Enter text in a cell and change formatting
Task 2.2 Enter numbers in a cell and change formatting
Task 2.3 Enter a formula in a cell
Task 2.4 Copy and move data between cells
Objective 3 Perform basic mathematical calculations in Excel
Task 3.1 Use a function within Excel
Task 3.2 Define absolute and relative cell addressing
Objective 4 Modify Worksheets
Task 4.1 Insert and delete rows and columns
Task 4.2 Resize rows and columns
Task 4.3 Create and modify headers and footers
Task 4.4 Create print titles
Task 4.5 Freeze and unfreeze panes in a worksheet
Objective 5 Perform basic data functions in Excel
Task 5.1 Sort data in a worksheet
Task 5.2 Create a chart from spreadsheet data
Task 5.3 Specify print area
Objective 1 Understand the basic components of an Excel spreadsheet
Task 1.1 Define the purpose and uses of a spreadsheet
Task 1.2 Define a column, row, and cell
Task 1.3 Navigate within a spreadsheet using directional keys and the name box
Task 1.4 Work with multiple worksheets
Task 1.5 Selecting Cells
Objective 2 Enter and modify data in a cell
Task 2.1 Enter text in a cell and change formatting
Task 2.2 Enter numbers in a cell and change formatting
Task 2.3 Enter a formula in a cell
Task 2.4 Copy and move data between cells
Objective 3 Perform basic mathematical calculations in Excel
Task 3.1 Use a function within Excel
Task 3.2 Define absolute and relative cell addressing
Objective 4 Modify Worksheets
Task 4.1 Insert and delete rows and columns
Task 4.2 Resize rows and columns
Task 4.3 Create and modify headers and footers
Task 4.4 Create print titles
Task 4.5 Freeze and unfreeze panes in a worksheet
Objective 5 Perform basic data functions in Excel
Task 5.1 Sort data in a worksheet
Task 5.2 Create a chart from spreadsheet data
Task 5.3 Specify print area
Forma parte de The University of Arizona
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