ASP - Scroll de JS con ASP


Scroll de JS con ASP

Publicado por danu (7 intervenciones) el 10/07/2002 21:24:51
Tengo un scroll de JS y necesito cargar los datos de un rs dentro del scroll asi recorre el rs dentro del scroll y lo veo por el scroll, hasta ahora solo puedo ver un solo campo no puedo recorrerlo todo...
Ahí va mi codigo JS ...



<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->

<!-- Begin
//slider's width
var swidth=350

//slider's height
var sheight=72

//slider's speed
var sspeed=2

//messages: change to your own; use as many as you'd like; set up Hyperlinks to URLs as you normally do: <a target=... href="... URL ...">..message..</a>
var singletext=new Array()
singletext[0]='<div align="center"><font face=Arial size=3 color="white"><%=FechaIniDia%><b>Multiple Scroller</b><br>Size, Speed, Style <b>adjustable.</b><br>This message may use <b><u>Hyperlinks</u></b></div></FONT>'
singletext[1]='<div align="center"><font face=Arial size=3 color="white"><%=Titulo%><b>Use this for announcements<br>or even <font color="#FFFF00"><b><i>images</i></b><p><img src="/img/1.gif" width="100" height="39" border="0"></font></div>'
singletext[2]='<div align="center"><font face=Arial size=3 color="white"><b>This is great!<br>You can use <i>all</i> the <b>basic</b><br><b>HTML codes</b></font></div>'
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