C/Visual C - comunicacion



Publicado por hakito_kuey (1 intervención) el 09/01/2001 00:00:00
Hola gracias por leer mi nota ..
encontre una funcion en c++ keme intereso mucho la funcion es bioscom. supongo que es para comnicar computadoras por medio de el puerto com de la makina. mi duda es ¿alguien me puede explicar ó facilitar ejemplos sobre como funciona ,sus capacidades,sus limitantes , su estructura?
Ademas estamos haciendo en mi universidad un programa ke haga eso comunicar 2 computadoras por elpuerto de comunicacion com....

de antemano se los agradecere por ke me hace muy interesatnte dicg funcion ?
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Publicado por Endos (143 intervenciones) el 11/01/2001 00:00:00

#include <bios.h>
int bioscom(int cmd, char abyte, int port);


bioscom performs various RS-232 communications over the I/O port given in port.
A port value of 0 corresponds to COM1, 1 corresponds to COM2, and so forth.
The value of cmd can be one of the following:

Value Meaning

0 Sets the communications parameters to the value in abyte.
1 Sends the character in abyte out over the communications line.
2 Receives a character from the communications line.
3 Returns the current status of the communications port.

abyte is a combination of the following bits (one value is selected from each of the groups):

0x02 7 data bits 0x00 110 baud
0x03 8 data bits 0x20 150 baud
0x40 300 baud
0x00 1 stop bit 0x60 600 baud
0x04 2 stop bits 0x80 1200 baud
0x00 No parity 0xA0 2400 baud
0x08 Odd parity 0xC0 4800 baud
0x18 Even parity 0xE0 9600 baud

For example, a value of 0xEB (0xE0|0x08|0x00|0x03) for abyte sets the communications port to 9600 baud, odd parity, 1 stop bit, and 8 data bits. bioscom uses the BIOS 0x14 interrupt.

Return Value

For all values of cmd, bioscom returns a 16-bit integer, of which the upper 8 bits are status bits and the lower 8 bits vary, depending on the value of cmd. The upper bits of the return value are defined as follows:

Bit 15 Time out
Bit 14 Transmit shift register empty
Bit 13 Transmit holding register empty
Bit 12 Break detect
Bit 11 Framing error
Bit 10 Parity error
Bit 9 Overrun error
Bit 8 Data ready

If the abyte value could not be sent, bit 15 is set to 1. Otherwise, the remaining upper and lower bits are appropriately set. For example, if a framing error has occurred, bit 11 is set to 1.
With a cmd value of 2, the byte read is in the lower bits of the return value if there is no error. If an error occurs, at least one of the upper bits is set to 1. If no upper bits are set to 1, the byte was received without error.
With a cmd value of 0 or 3, the return value has the upper bits set as defined, and the lower bits are defined as follows:

Bit 7 Received line signal detect
Bit 6 Ring indicator
Bit 5 Data set ready
Bit 4 Clear to send
Bit 3 Change in receive line signal detector
Bit 2 Trailing edge ring detector
Bit 1 Change in data set ready
Bit 0 Change in clear to send

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