Java - Computer Specialist


Computer Specialist

Publicado por Noreen (5 intervenciones) el 26/07/2001 16:49:57

VisualAge for Java, Proffesional Edition, 3.5

I have to do a FeedBack(web application) in VisualAge for Java:
The program must have a send button and a reset button.
What do I need to do this.

What application I must use: servlet, applet, beans, etc.
If I have to use the servlet to do the program, does it creates a
text(txt/html) file and the web page, or I have to do a database to send the
input parameters.

What are example of codes to make that the submit button send the data.
Do I need to use the visual composition to make this( the buttons,
textfield, etc)

If by chance, the program must be done using an applet (visual composition)
which are the methods
(how i can connect each field to the submit button) to do it.

Does exit some way to send the input data to an e-mail address.

Thanks Noreen Gonzalez

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