Java - lomboz



Publicado por gerald (33 intervenciones) el 05/11/2007 23:07:58
hola a todo el mundo
tengo un problema con mi eclipse 3.3 y la version de lomboz 3.3
cuando arranco eclipse aparece la pantalla de lomboz
pero al entrar en eclipse no aparece el plug-in, creo que es algo de la configuracion del eclipse
pero no se si ese sea el problema
les dejo la configuracion del config.ini de la carpeta de configuration del eclipse para que le den una mirada, haber si alguien ve algo que no este bien

# Eclipse runtime configuration file
# This file contains a number of key/value pairs that are merged into the
# System properties on system startup. The values control the way the
# runtime is structured and runs.

# Note: Only platform:/base/ and file: URLs are supported. In general the
# URLs given may include a version number (e.g., .../location_1.2.3).
# If a version is not specified, the system binds
# to the location which matches exactly or to the versioned location with the
# latest version number. If a version number is given then only exact matches
# are considered.

# The URL for the runtime entry point. The default value is
# platform:/base/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi
#osgi.framework = platform:/base/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi

# The classpath for the framework found at the osgi.framework location. This
# comma-separated list contains either URLs or simple element names. Simple
# names are assumed to be relative to the framework's install directory.
# Typically this value need not be set as it is initialized by the framework itself.
# Version match searching is not done for URLs listed here.
#osgi.frameworkClassPath =

# The comma-separated list of locations to search for the splash screen file (splash.bmp).
# For each list element a subdirectory structure based on the pattern nl/<locale> is searched.
# The system binds to the first matching file. There is no default value.
osgi.splashPath = platform:/base/plugins/org.eclipse.platform

# The location of the splash screen file. If this value is set at system startup it is used
# in favour of the osgi.splashPath searching outlined above. If the value is not set
# the searching is done and this key is bound to the result of the search.
#osgi.splashLocation =

# The comma-separated list of bundles which are automatically installed and optionally started
# once the system is up and running. Each entry if of the form
# <URL | simple bundle location>[@ [<startlevel>] [":start"]]
# If the startlevel is omitted then the framework will use the default start level for the bundle.
# If the "start" tag is added then the bundle will be marked as started after being installed.
# Simple bundle locations are interepreted as relative to the framework's parent directory.
# The startlevel indicates the OSGi start level at which the bundle should run.
# If this value is not set, the system computes an appropriate default.
osgi.bundles=org.eclipse.equinox.common@2:start, org.eclipse.update.configurator@3:start, org.eclipse.core.runtime@start

# The product to run. A given Eclipse configuration may contain many products.
# The product identified will supply the branding (window icons, title bar text) etc
# as well as define the default application to run.

# The application to run. The value specified here is the id of the application extension
# the runtime will find, instantiate and execute once the system is up. Note that typically
# the identified eclipse.product defines the default application to run.

# The default workspace location
[email protected]/workspace

# The build identifier

# End of file marker - must be here

gracias a todos
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Publicado por Gonzalo (180 intervenciones) el 06/11/2007 08:25:07
¿Dónde "no aparece el plugin"? Lomboz no es un único plugin sino que es un paquete de varios.
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Publicado por gerald (33 intervenciones) el 06/11/2007 17:14:10
aja, son varios paquetes, y ya los descargue todos, pero al momento de abrir el eclipse no aparece ninguno, espero darme a entender, cuando das click en window->preferences..
aparece una lista, y ahy tiene que estar el lomboz, o cuando creas un proyecto nuevo, tambien debe aparecer el lomboz, y no aparece nada, gracias
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Publicado por Gonzalo (180 intervenciones) el 07/11/2007 09:02:09
Si quieres ver si está instalado o no, mira en Help -> About Eclipse SDK y ahí te salen los plugins instalados.
Si quieres más detalle o ver si es que algún plugin tiene problemas, Help -> software Updates -> Manage configuration Y ahí puedes explorar todo lo instalado en Eclipse y ver si está activado o no, si tiene conflictos con otros plugins o lo que sea.
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Publicado por gerald (33 intervenciones) el 07/11/2007 15:43:20
tendre que chekar eso
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