JavaScript - Javascript Flash e imagen


Javascript Flash e imagen

Publicado por masterdreams (1 intervención) el 09/02/2006 10:20:54
Muy buenas a todos.
Hay algún javascript que pueda sustituir un flash por una imagen en el casi de que el usuario no tenga instalado el pluging de Flash?
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RE:Javascript Flash e imagen

Publicado por Daniel Ulczyk (99 intervenciones) el 09/02/2006 18:42:58
Acá te dejo un script, si el mismo no detecta Flash instalado redirecciona a la página declarada en la variable


<script language="javascript">
<!-- Hide script from old browsers
var expireDate = new Date
var hasFlash = false
var numVisits = 0
var skipFlashURL = "noflash.html"
//Sets the browser cookie

function setCookie(){

expireDate.setMonth(expireDate.getMonth() + 6)

document.cookie = "numVisits=" + 0 + "; expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString()


//Check for flash if browser is netscape
//submitted to by Joshua Luft-Glidden
if(navigator.appName == "Netscape"){

for(i=0; i<navigator.plugins.length; i++){

if(navigator.plugins[i].name == "Shockwave Flash"){

hasFlash = true




//Check for flash if browser is IE

else if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){

document.writeln("<script language='VBscript'>")
document.writeln('\'Test to see if VBScripting works')
document.writeln("detectableWithVB = False")
document.writeln("If ScriptEngineMajorVersion >= 2 then")
document.writeln(" detectableWithVB = True")
document.writeln("End If")
document.writeln('\'This will check for the plugin')
document.writeln("Function detectActiveXControl(activeXControlName)")
document.writeln(" on error resume next")
document.writeln(" detectActiveXControl = False")
document.writeln(" If detectableWithVB Then")
document.writeln(" detectActiveXControl = IsObject(CreateObject(activeXControlName))")
document.writeln(" End If")
document.writeln("End Function")
document.writeln("</scr" + "ipt>")
hasFlash = detectActiveXControl("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.1")


//If there is no cookie (first time visitor) set one

if(document.cookie == ""){
//If there is a cookie (visitor has been here before) update cookie


var dummy = document.cookie.split("=")

numVisits = dummy[1]
expireDate.setMonth(expireDate.getMonth() + 6)
document.cookie = "numVisits=" + ++numVisits + "; expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString()

//If visitor has been to the site many times skip flash intro

if((document.cookie != "") && (numVisits > 5) && hasFlash){

document.location = skipFlashURL

//If visitor doesn't have flash skip intro


document.location = skipFlashURL

//End script hiding -->

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