GeneXus - Ayuda Con el Run


Ayuda Con el Run

Publicado por Alex (4 intervenciones) el 18/04/2013 23:39:48
========== Run Developer Menu started ==========
========== Database Impact Analysis started ==========
Processing ...
Validating subtype group (1 of 3) ...
Processing subtype group EnfermeraTitular ...
Validating subtype group (2 of 3) ...
Processing subtype group EnfermeraSuplente ...
Validating subtype group (3 of 3) ...
Processing subtype group FacturaPaciente ...
warning: spc0040: Subtype group 'FacturaPaciente' contains secondary attributes (FactPrecioMedica). Secondary attributes ignored.
warning: spc0079: Attribute(s) FactFchConsulta, FactCodMedico in subtype group 'FacturaPaciente' is(are) not associated to any transaction.
Subtype groups were validated...
Searching for new or changed tables ...
Analyzing FactPacienteLevel1 ...
Removing specification files ...
Specification files removed.
Generating messages for Spanish ...
Generators messages generated.
Analyzing FactPaciente ...
Searching for deleted tables ...
Specifying ConsultorioUpdateReferentialIntegrity ...
Specifying TurnoUpdateReferentialIntegrity ...
Specifying PacienteUpdateReferentialIntegrity ...
Loading table and attribute properties ...
Saving specifications.
Database Impact Analysis Success
Generating Resources...Success
========== Generation started ==========
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\ReorganizationScript.txt
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\gxcfg.js
Generating to JavaModel\web\reorg.cfg
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\client.cfg
Generating to JavaModel\web\_COPYCLS.GEN
Generating to JavaModel\web\REORGPGM.GEN
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\gxmetadata\gxversion.json
Generating to JavaModel\web\gxmetadata\gx_entity_list.json
Generating to JavaModel\web\web.xml
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to sm12_2.ari
Generation Success
========== Reorganization started ==========
callmake.bat "C:\Models\Mutualista\JavaModel\web\GXJMake.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin\javac.exe" Reorganization options: -O
GeneXus Java Make v1.0
Build succeeded.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin\java.exe" Reorganization -nogui
Tabla FactPaciente tiene 0 registros.
Ejecutando programa ConsultorioUpdateReferentialIntegrity.
Ejecutando programa TurnoUpdateReferentialIntegrity.
Ejecutando programa PacienteUpdateReferentialIntegrity.
Modificando la tabla FactPaciente .
Waiting for 1 submitted procs to end...
Modificando la tabla FactPaciente . STARTED
Modificando la tabla FactPaciente . ENDED
El proceso de reorganización ha finalizado con éxito.
Reorganization Success
========== Target Environment update started ==========
Target Environment update Success
========== Specification started ==========
Validating subtype group (1 of 3) ...
Validating subtype group (2 of 3) ...
Validating subtype group (3 of 3) ...
Subtype groups were validated...
Specifying FactPaciente (1 of 2) ...
warning: spc0043: FactNomMedico is not instantiated.
warning: spc0043: FactApeMedico is not instantiated.
warning: spc0051: Supertype DesTrn cannot be instantiated. Use subtype FactDesTrn instead.
warning: spc0043: ApeMedico is not instantiated.
warning: spc0043: NomMedico is not instantiated.
warning: spc0051: Supertype ApePac cannot be instantiated. Use subtype FactApePac instead.
warning: spc0051: Supertype NomPac cannot be instantiated. Use subtype FactNomPac instead.
warning: spc0043: FactNomMedica is not instantiated in grid 'Gridfactpaciente_level1'.
warning: spc0043: NomMedica is not instantiated in grid 'Gridfactpaciente_level1'.
Creating prompt 'Gx00S0' (for table 'FactPaciente')...
Creating prompt 'Gx00T1' (for table 'FactPacienteLevel1')...
Generating Resources... Specifying Gx00S0 (2 of 2) ...
========== Generation started ==========
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Specifying Gx00T1 (3 of 3) ...
Specification Success
Generating to JavaModel\web\factpaciente.js
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\gx00s0.js
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\gx00t1.js
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\gxcfg.js
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to JavaModel\web\client.cfg
Generating to JavaModel\web\gxmetadata\gxversion.json
Generating to JavaModel\web\gxmetadata\gx_entity_list.json
Generating to JavaModel\web\web.xml
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generating to sm12_2.ari
Generating to JavaModel\web\DeveloperMenu.xml
Generating to JavaModel\web\
Generation Success
Compressing static files...Success
========== DeveloperMenu Compilation started ==========
callmake.bat "C:\Models\Mutualista\JavaModel\web\GXJMake.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin\javac.exe" developermenu options: -O
GeneXus Java Make v1.0 unexpected type
required: variable
found : value
13 = emptyvalue(13) ;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method emptyvalue(int)
location: class factpaciente_impl
13 = emptyvalue(13) ;
^ unexpected type
required: variable
found : value
12 = emptyvalue(12) ;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method emptyvalue(int)
location: class factpaciente_impl
12 = emptyvalue(12) ;
^ unexpected type
required: variable
found : value
57 = emptyvalue(57) ;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method emptyvalue(int)
location: class factpaciente_impl
57 = emptyvalue(57) ;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method add()
location: class com.genexus.GxUnknownObjectCollection
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method add()
location: class com.genexus.GxUnknownObjectCollection
isValidOutput.add( );
8 errors

failed ( error code=1)
Build failed.
DeveloperMenu Compilation Failed
Run Developer Menu Failed

Genexus Evo2, Java, SQL Server
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