Java - Matriz y clase console


Matriz y clase console

Publicado por elgodox (1 intervención) el 01/10/2010 02:55:32
Hola quiero hacer una matriz de 4 x 4 y que se sumen los numeros de las columnas y las filas, y quiero introducir los datos por consola y para eso uso la clase console que es la sigiente alguien me puede decir como hago?

public class Console
* Print a prompt on the console but don't print a newline
* @param prompt the prompt string to display

public static void printPrompt(String prompt)
System.out.println(prompt + " ");

* Read a string from console. The string is terminated by a newline
* @return the input string (without the newline)

public static String readLine()
int ch;
String r = "";
boolean done = false;
while (!done)
ch =;
if (ch == 0 || (char)ch == '\n')
done = true;
else if ((char)ch != '\r')
r = r + (char) ch;
catch( e)
done = true;
return r;

* Read a string from the console. The string is terminated by a newline
* @param prompt the prompt string to display
* @return the input string (without the newline)
public static String readLine(String prompt)
return readLine();

* Read a char from the console. The char is terminated by a newline
* @return The input char (without the newline)
public static char readChar(String prompt)
return readLine().trim().toCharArray()[0];
catch(NumberFormatException e)
System.out.println("Not an integer. Please try again!");

* Read an integer from the console. The input is terminated by a newline
* @param prompt the prompt string to display
* @return the input value as an int
* @exception NumberFormatException if bad input
public static int readInt(String prompt)
while (true)
return Integer.valueOf
catch(NumberFormatException e)
System.out.println("Not an integer. Please try again!");

* Read a floating point number from the console. The input is terminated by a newline
* @param prompt the prompt string to display
* @return the input value as a double
* @exception NumberFormatException if bad input
public static double readDouble(String prompt)
while (true)
return Double.parseDouble(readLine().trim());
catch(NumberFormatException e)
System.out.println("Not a floating point number. Please try again!");
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