JavaScript - Si alguien me pudiera ayudar con estos juegos...

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Si alguien me pudiera ayudar con estos juegos...

Publicado por Antonio (3 intervenciones) el 06/03/2020 23:12:48
In chess, an 8x8 board is used. Queens can attack each other if they are in the same row, the
same column or the same diagonal.
Write a program that displays an empty board. The user is going to place, graphically, two
queens on the board, and the user program is going to say if these queens, in that position, can
attack each other.

In this game the computer “thinks” in a 4-distinct-digit number [1-9] (“1234” ok, but not “1241”
or “0543”), randomly chosen. The player tries to guess this number through successive attempts.
Each attempt is also a 4-digit number. The machine examines it, answering how many digits are
perfectly placed (correct answer) and how many are present but out of position (half correct
The player will have 8 attempts to try to win. In the last attempt, you can show the addition of
the four digits as a hint. If you feel 8 attempts too easy or too difficult you can adapt the difficulty
changing this value.
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