PHP - php get request method get web function

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php get request method get web function

Publicado por mauro (17 intervenciones) el 05/08/2020 22:05:37
"I already have the first url of the web but the web generates a second url with a key and I want to get it to send the second request" helpme please
I want to make a request get to url and key that is there in that web function but I don't know how to get that url using php please someone to guide me I am a newbie in programming
(I want to make a request to get to a web but I need that url that is inside that function of the web code, how do I get that url and its key? please help me !! Thanks in advance);

code the web for request =

function continueptc(_0x5cbe74){document['getElementById'](_0x4500('0x0'))[_0x4500('0x1')]=_0x4500('0x2');$[_0x4500('0x3')]({'url':'/ptcverify?key='+_0x5cbe74+_0x4500('0x4'),'success':function(_0x5cbe74){ptcs=JSON[_0x4500('0x5')](localStorage[_0x4500('0x6')](_0x4500('0x7')));ptcs[_0x4500('0x8')]=_0x4500('0x9');localStorage[_0x4500('0xa')](_0x4500('0x7'),JSON[_0x4500('0xb')](ptcs)); ;window[_0x4500('0xc')]=_0x4500('0xd'); ;}});}
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