C sharp - Alinear texto de columna en un grid


Alinear texto de columna en un grid

Publicado por Belem Zuñiga (14 intervenciones) el 09/03/2007 17:19:40
Hola tengo un DataGridView, sin embargo al recuperar los datos me alinea los textos de las columnas a la izquierda. Alguien me puede decir como alinearlos a la derecha ?

gracias, saludos
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RE:Alinear texto de columna en un grid

Publicado por Belem Z. (14 intervenciones) el 09/03/2007 17:32:18
ya lo encontre, gracias, lo comparto por si alguien esta en las mismas:

DataGridView1.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;

con ese codigo se alinea la primer columna verticalmente al centro y horizontalmente a la derecha, les mando el resto de las alineaciones:

BottomCenter The content is aligned vertically at the bottom and horizontally at the center of a cell.
BottomLeft The content is aligned vertically at the bottom and horizontally at the left of a cell.
BottomRight The content is aligned vertically at the bottom and horizontally at the right of a cell.
MiddleCenter The content is aligned at the vertical and horizontal center of a cell.
MiddleLeft The content is aligned vertically at the middle and horizontally at the left of a cell.
MiddleRight The content is aligned vertically at the middle and horizontally at the right of a cell.
NotSet The alignment is not set.
TopCenter The content is aligned vertically at the top and horizontally at the center of a cell.
TopLeft The content is aligned vertically at the top and horizontally at the left of a cell.
TopRight The content is aligned vertically at the top and horizontally at the right of a cell.
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