Linux Device Drivers
Publicado el 14 de Noviembre del 2002 por Administrador
7.644 visualizaciones desde el 14 de Noviembre del 2002
Publicación del libro Linux Device Drivers, segunda edición en formato pdf. Dividido en 16 capítulos, cada uno en pdf: Preface, Chapter 1: An Introduction to Device Drivers, Chapter 2: Building and Running Modules, Chapter 3: Char Drivers, Chapter 4: Debugging Techniques, Chapter 5: Enhanced Char Driver Operations, Chapter 6: Flow of Time, Chapter 7: Getting Hold of Memory, Chapter 8: Hardware Management, Chapter 9: Interrupt Handling, Chapter 10: Judicious Use of Data Types, Chapter 11: kmod and Advanced Modularization, Chapter 12: Loading Block Drivers, Chapter 13: mmap and DMA, Chapter 14: Network Drivers, Chapter 15: Overview of Peripheral Buses, Chapter 16: Physical Layout of the Kernel Source, Bibliography.
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